Category: Pay Per Click

How to create an outstanding facebook ad ?

Nowadays no one can deny or overlook the importance and return on investment of facebook advertising. 

However, for beginners, launching Facebook ads is not easy. There are so many things to consider, especially since this is an increasingly evolving field.

If you are ready, let’s start discovering the secrets of the most successful facebook advertising  

  • How does Facebook ads work ? 
  • Facebook ads practices
  • Facebook ads Formats 
  • Best Examples

N.B : We will only address the ads matter in this article, information about ad sets & campaigns can be found in other articles. 

Facebook ad

How does Facebook ads work ? 

Advertising is at the center of marketers concerns, in the sense that it seeks to develop and increase market share. as we know several advertising platforms exist, but facebook scored the goal for may major reasons: 

What makes Facebook Ads really effective is the huge growing audience, expanded targeting options, beyond basic targeting by age, gender and location. You can tailor your ads to prospects based on their buying behavior, life eventsâ€Ķyou can also control your budget according to your goals. 

To succeed in your ad strategy, you must have a good knowledge of facebook practices,keep reading to the end to discover the major factors for a successful strategy. 

Facebook ad practices

Despite all the advantages that Facebook can offer you, the success of your advertising ultimately depends on your strategy and how you implement it. Your ad will definitely perform better if:

Facebook ad
  • Visual: Apart from the fact that the visual is the first thing that catches the eye, it is also taken into consideration in the treatment of the Facebook algorithm, you should consider your ad format during the design process, the Ad placement, and the right image sizes and the right colors. 
  • The text: the text must be coherent with the visuals, and the landing page. All your assets must be attractive. 
  • Call-to-action: Make sure that  your value proposition and your call to action are clear
  • Adapt your landing page so it is consistent with your ad: Ads are allowed as a promise to readers: ‘Click here and get this’. If your Facebook ad design and landing page design aren’t visually in sync, high bounce rates can put your ROI at risk.

Facebook ads formats 

In order to optimize your ads, your ads must be consistent with your objectives or your expectations,you should know that Ad formats vary depending on the objective, here are some templates that you can use as inspiration for your next Facebook ads: 

Facebook ad
  • Format 1: Video Ad: can be used to promote a brand, showcase a how-to guide, share customer testimonials, or broadcast live events. It also offers more engaging content than static posts.
  • Format 2: Photo Ad: allow you to show off your product, service or brand using a single photo.this can be created with just a few clicks. 
  • Format 3: carrousel Ad:a kind of advertising format that combines multiple videos or images into a single ad ’up to 10 images or video’,. Carousel ads are most popular on Instagram and Facebook, where you can showcase a number of images to improve your chances of a conversion or sale
  • Format 4: slideshow ads: based on the same principles of videos that use motion, sound and text the difference is that they are fast and affordable to create. You can create in Facebook Business Manager a slideshow ad in minutes from desktop or mobile and use it  

Facebook Ad Examples

Demonstration Ad:a demonstration is used to support an advertising claim with reasoning or proof. can be used in several ways: by illustrating with examples, by testing or by detailing the functionalities, qualities or advantages of an offer.

Facebook ad

Special Offer Ad:The objective of this type of ads is to attract more consumer attention by striving,to make the product better known, better appreciated, and bought.Offers can be for example discounts that you can share with your customers on Facebook

Facebook Ad

Event Ad:Event ads promote a specific event.using this type of ad will help entice your target audience to attend your event.a good Event ad should clearly show the benefit of attending the event: price, dates, and a clear CTA to buy a ticket.

Retargeting ads: is an online marketing technique that makes it possible to target visitors to a site or web page (and who have therefore already demonstrated interest in a brand, product or service) with a campaign. advertisement display

Facebook Ad

To sum up, a relevant ad must be: clear, attractive, not boring and above all tailored to your objectives and your budget.

If you are still here and made it that far, it means that you liked our article. Do not hesitate to read others and  contact us if necessary. We will be happy to support your business.

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How to manage your PAY PER CLICK (PPC) strategy ?

In this cutting-edge world of technology, a click takes on a lot of importance. Almost every entrepreneur, big or small, knows that to ensure business success, online reputation growth is necessary, which can be achieved through a good amount of traffic to the website. Nowadays popularity is growing online and still it must be said that PPC is the best tool to approach website visitors in a short period of time.

But, before developing a PPC strategy or investing in a full-fledged advertising campaign, it is important to understand why PPC is important for online business growth.

In this article, we will help you understand what PPC is, how it works and how you can use it to make your business successful based on the following plan .

  1. What is PCP?
  2. What are the benefits of PPC?
  3. The main platforms for creating PPC campaigns
  4. How to set up and optimize a PPC campaign?
  5. How to track PPC campaigns ?


What is PCP ?

PPC, which stands for pay-per-click, is an online advertising model where advertisers serve ads on a platform such as Google Ads and pay a commission each time someone clicks on them. .

By performing almost any search on Google (or Bing), you will see ads displayed at the top of the results page.

PPC is used in any type of advertising campaign to:

  • Increase sales.
  • Generate leads.
  • Promote the brand

This system comes in three forms:

  • CPC (Cost per click): during a display campaign or sponsored links on the internet, you only pay when the user clicks on your advertisement.
  • CPM (Cost per thousand): during a web campaign, the advertiser will be charged at the cost per thousand impressions or displays of the advertisement.
  • CPA (Cost per acquisition): this billing system is widely used when locating files or when your goal is to subscribe to your e-newsletter. You will be charged each time this goal or acquisition is achieved.

What are the benefits of PPC ?

If you’re considering using PPC as a marketing channel for your business, you’ll want to know the benefits it offers and understand why you should invest your budget here and not elsewhere.

Here are some of the most common reasons why PPC might be the right advertising channel for you:

  • You are charged based on results, that is, only when a user clicks on your ad.
  • You can precisely target your customers.
  • PPC can easily be measured and tracked.
  • You can start receiving clicks very quickly.
  • Several ad formats are available.

The main platforms for creating PPC campaigns :

For PPC, the two main and most used platforms are Google Ads and Bing Ads.

From a management perspective, the following two platforms are very similar; the main difference is in the size of the market. 

Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is the advertising platform that allows you to serve Google search and shopping ads, YouTube video ads, Gmail ads, and display ads on the Google Display Network (GND).

This is by far the most popular PPC platform, and it offers a wealth of opportunities for almost any business to succeed in this channel.

Bing Ads, also known as Microsoft Advertising, works similar to Google Ads. It allows you to show ads on Bing, as well as Yahoo and AOL.

How to set up and optimize a PPC campaign ?

  • Set your goals and budget intelligently:

One of the most important steps in creating your PPC strategy is defining what you want to accomplish. Indeed, a PPC campaign can have several objectives. 

  • Analyze competitor strategy:

Look for your main competitors, identify the best performers in paid search and put in place a strategy to get ahead of them. Google Ads can help you succeed by automatically generating your bids to outperform your competitors.

  • Identify your search keywords:

The cornerstone of a successful PPC campaign in KEYWORD. Choosing a most searched keyword for your PPC would allow your site to reach the required audience. The starting point for keyword research should be related to the landing page of the website. We invite you to find “perfect” keywords around the characteristics of your product. 

  • Write effective ad copy:

A well-written ad is crucial for PPC campaigns; it allows you on the one hand to increase the quality score, reduce the cost per acquisition and increase click-through rates, and on the other hand, Internet users ensure that the description of the ad corresponds to their research before clicking.

We recommend you use the target keyword at least once in the title of the ad and in the body of the text, including call-to-actions such as “sign up”. 

  • Build conversion-optimized PPC landing pages:

Your ads should guide people to specific landing pages. The closer the match between landing page content and search intent, the higher the conversion rate. If you redirect people to a generic page like the homepage, they might get frustrated and leave, because that wasn’t what they wanted.

  • Measure and report:

Analyzing the performance of your campaign is the starting point for the success of your next campaign.It will allow you to avoid your mistakes and improve your performance.

Google Ads allows you to have a detailed report so that you can monitor and evaluate your performance to make the necessary adjustments.

How to track PPC campaigns ?

There are several metrics you’ll need to understand when running and analyzing PPC campaigns.

Impressions: The number of times your ads were served in the search results.

Clicks: The number of times users clicked on or engaged with your ads.

Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who clicked on your ad. It is calculated by dividing clicks by impressions. CTR is a very important indicator of how well your ads are performing.

Average CPC: The average cost per click paid for the clicks received.

Quality Score: Reported at the keyword level on a scale of 1 to 10, Quality Score is an indicator of how relevant your ads, keywords and landing page are to the user. A higher Quality Score can mean lower CPCs and better ad positions. 

Conversions: The number of conversion actions your ads have generated. The actions to be tracked are set up at the account level.

Conversion rate: The percentage of people who clicked on your ads and ended up converting.

Average position: Where your ads appeared on the search results page (SERP.) The higher the position, the greater the visibility you’ll have. Average position also indicates how your Ad Rank compares with other ads.

Dozens of other reporting metrics are available in Google Ads, including the ability to create your own reporting calculations in Custom columns.

You’ve decided you’re ready to use Google Ads, Facebook or one of the other paid media platforms, we’ll help you get started!

We take care of everything, from campaign planning to implementation. conta us

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